History for all, and for all some fun
Germany has been a major player in the last 100 years for the world and is well known for its role in World War 2 and creating the world we know today. But how much do you know about the Germany before? Or about the Germany after? Did you know that the German tribes conquered most of Roman Europe and Africa? Did you know that Queen Louise of Prussia was a symbol of resistance against Napoleon? Join us as we discuss the history of Germany and turn it from dry tales into relatable and personal stories of people not so different from you or me. This podcast will cover aspects of culture, politics, military, gender, and day to day life from when we first have findings for the archeological records all the way to modern day.
The episodes are supposed to be listened to in order so make sure to start with episode 1 and work your way through up to the newest episode. I hope you enjoy as we explore the center of Europe.
March 3, 2023
Hello all!
Seemed there was a problem with the website. However it should be fixed now and you can download both this month and last month's episodes.

Check back often to never miss an update.
My name is Jacob Collier and I am the creator of the Podcast on Germany. Podcast on Germany was created in order to provide a fun and interesting discussion on German history. This podcast wants to expand on our common knowledge of Germany and its past and turn it from the dry pages of your textbooks into real life stories. The names and dates will have faces and meanings while the past becomes something that we can understand and appreciate. Those involved in the history will be shown as real life humans not story book characters that we could never be. All of this is important to show that history is something that we take part of every day, even without realizing it. It also serves as a reminder that history is life. What happened to those mentioned within the podcast can happen to you as well. We can end up being just as great if we try, or just as terrible if we are not careful, as those names mentioned within those long classes back in high school.
I received my Master's degree in Modern European History focusing on Imperial German diplomacy in 2017 from Texas Tech University. I can read German but do not bother to ask me to speak it. Language has never been my gift. I have spent 3 years reading and researching German history and was lucky enough to go visit Berlin, Potsdam, and Vienna back in May 2018. I have always enjoyed reading the histories and I look forward to sharing it with you.
If you would like to learn more about the podcast or have a question please email me at:
Important events and people on this day in German History:
Today in 1918 the Germans launch their final assault on the Entente. 15 divisions attacked the allies near Amiens. This battle was the first tank vs tank combat and would see the Germans unable to break through. That night Australian and British troops launched a counter attacked pushing the Germans back to their starting lines.